Eatontown Community Center
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2025 - 2026 After School Care Register View Cart

After School  Care Fun!
School-Age Child Care extends your child's school day in a fun and meaningful way! With a focus on character development and healthy living, children experience physical and social activities under the supervision of positive, caring role models. A drink and snack will be provided for each child. Any special dietary/health needs will be the parent's responsibility.

Children are taken outside to the playground, have structured homework time depending on grade level, and are provided with numerous opportunities for socialization and group play. The primary goal in our program is to create a community that meets the needs of all children. Please note, services provided for some students during the school day do not carry over to the Before/After Care Program.

Our Program is offered to children in Preschool through fourth grade*. We follow the Eatontown School Calendar, and our program operates on one-session days.

Our After Care Program is located at Eatontown Community Center Preschool, Meadowbrook and Woodmere School. Care is available Monday through Friday from school dismissal to 6 pm.

*After Care will be available to 4th grade students attending Vetter School. The school district will provide transportation for 2025/2026 4th graders registered in our program from Vetter School to our Woodmere After School Care Program.

Registration is ongoing throughout the school year. However, spots in our program are on a first come, first serve basis. When a maximum capacity is reached (based on student-to-staff state followed regulations), a waiting list will begin.

After School Care Fee    Wiggles

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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3y - 4y N/A MTuWThF  09/04/2025 - 06/26/2026
02:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Eatontown Community Center - Preschool
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N/A K - 1 MTuWThF  09/04/2025 - 06/26/2026
02:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Meadowbrook School
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N/A 2 - 4 MTuWThF  09/04/2025 - 06/26/2026
02:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Woodmere School
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* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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